Mr. Ryan Horton » Biography


Hi! My name is Mr. HearsAWho... I mean, Mr. Horton.
I was born and raised in Anchorage and moved to California when I was in middle school. Eventually I realized I prefer the cold, so I came back home! I graduated from Chugiak High School, then went to University of Alaska Anchorage and University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Fun Fact about me: I waited a whole decade after high school to start up college! Talk about a later bloomer.
This will be my second year teaching English, and my very first as a fully accredited teacher. I spent the 22-23 school year teaching in Kotzebue as a Teacher-While-Training, running myself ragged between High School and University and surviving off of nothing but caffeine and anxiety. After I received my Masters Degree in Education last May. and will be teaching Reading and Writing in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades here in Nome. I'm looking forward to meeting you all!