Additional Resources
Alaska Native Languages
An educational resource for understanding, learning, teaching and promoting Alaska Native languages:
Smithsonian National Musesum of Natural History
In 2010, the Anchorage Museum opened an expansion featuring the Smithsonian exhibition Living Our Cultures, Sharing Our Heritage: The First Peoples of Alaska. The exhibition portrays contemporary lifeways of the North and the ancestral histories embodied by over 600 masterworks of Alaska Native art and design from the National Museum of Natural History and National Museum of the American Indian collections. Indigenous voices, perspectives, and knowledge are first and foremost in the exhibition’s concept and presentation. A link to educational/instructional videos from our public programs on Alaska Native arts and languages: Arctic Studies Center.
Alaska Native Civics & Government
Katya Wassillie (White Mountain, AK) developed a curriculum for high school students that covers Alaska Native civics and government, including aspects of the historical relationship between Alaska Natives and the federal government, laws affecting Alaska Natives, Alaska Native organizations and institutions, and current political issues. Along with the curriculum document, there are several educational videos and a small database of resources, all of which are available on the website. The curriculum and resources are meant for public use in hopes that these resources can be utilized in all of our school. The project website can be found here: