Federal Programs » English Language Learners

English Language Learners


Identification & Support for English Language Learners

An English language learner (ELL) is a student whose primary language is not English, and whose English proficiency or lack thereof provides a barrier to successful learning.

As of fall 2017, the National Center on Education Statistics reports that 5 million public school students (10.1%) are English language learners. The most common home language of ELLs is Spanish, comprising 74.8% of ELLs (7.6% of all public school students). ELLs with disabilities make up approximately 14% of the ELL population (about 718,000 students). The most common identification for ELLs is a learning disability (LD). (Council for Exceptional Children,https://exceptionalchildren.org/topics/english-language-learners)

Alaska Department of Education & Early Development (DEED) provides additional information to support ELL students in:
Test Preparation and Administration: https://education.alaska.gov/assessments/elp
Accommodations and Student Supports: https://education.alaska.gov/assessments/elp